MMS5 Auth Service

This service currently allows MMS5 Service clients to authenticate with an ldap server.

Using the GET /login endpoint with basic auth will return a JWT bearer token that the client can then use with the rest of MMS5 Service endpoints. The username and groups indicated in the token are then used by MMS5 layer1 service for authorization. The same namespace and iri must match any policies defined in MMS5 layer1.

Example token:

    "aud": "jwt-audience",
    "iss": "",
    "groups": [
    "exp": 1688671245,
    "username": "ldap/user/someuser"

Example policy with subject in MMS5 Layer1 quadstore:

prefix m-graph: <http://layer1-service/graphs/>
prefix m-policy: <http://layer1-service/policies/>
prefix mms: <>
graph m-graph:AccessControl.Policies {
    m-policy:somepolicy a mms:Policy ;
        mms:subject <http://layer1-service/users/ldap/user/someuser> ;
        mms:subject <http://layer1-service/groups/ldap/group/> ;
        mms:role mms-object:Role.AdminRepo ;
        mms:scope <http://layer1-service/orgs/someorg/repos/somerepo> .

Because a user can belong to many groups in ldap, in order to minimize the amount of groups in the token, relevant groups need to be present in the MMS5 layer 1 quadstore first:

prefix mms: <>
prefix m-graph: <http://layer1-service/graphs/>
prefix rdf: <>
graph m-graph:AccessControl.Agents {
    <http://layer1-service/groups/ldap/group/> rdf:type mms:Group ;
            mms:id "ldap/group/" .

Use environment variables for the options below.

MMS5 Config Options


The quadstore sparql endpoint that’s also being used by MMS5 layer 1 service

Default: http://localhost:8081/bigdata/namespace/kb/sparql

The same context that’s configured for MMS5 layer 1 service

Default: http://layer1-service/

The namespace that’ll be prepended to the username to create an iri

Default: ldap/user/

The namespace that’ll be prepended to group name to create an iri

Default: ldap/group/

Ldap Connection Configuration Options


The ldap url

Default: ldap://

The ldap base

Default: dc=openmbee,dc=org

Ldap user search pattern

Default: uid=%s,ou=users

Ldap filter to groups a user belongs to

Default: (&(objectclass=group)(uniqueMember=%s)(|(%s)))

Ldap group attribute

Default: cn

Service Config Options


Port to run on

Default: 8080


Default: https://jwt-provider-domain/


Default: jwt-audience


Default: MMS5 Microservices

This needs to be the same as what’s configured for MMS5 Layer1 Service

Default: test1234